Software Projects

Recent software projects and project highlights

DogChain by TeamOfPeople (3,148 loc + website & collaborations)

Unity | C# | HTML | CSS | May 2021 - June 2021

My responsibilities: write a level editor in C# (357 loc), level serialization (60 loc), and auto-generate code for map layout design using level editor (2,500 loc); write scripts for health-bar (150 loc), landscape changes on trigger (44 loc), doors unlocking on a trigger (37 loc), andoverlay appearing when player runs out of oxygen (modified 113 loc); modify a website design to match our brand, and add content to the website.

Leet Programming Online Course by T4G (2,084+ lines of code)

C++ | Stepik | June 2020 - June 2021

Leet Programming is a free online course meant to help software engineers prepare for technical interviews. It takes problems from leetcode and provides solutions and explanations. The goal is to help learners not only see solutions to a problem, but to understand those solutions. I have contributed more than 27 lessons and taught 8 live workshops.

Merge Reinforcement Learning Algorithm into Pacman Game (505 lines of code)

Python | January - March 2021

Forking an existing pacman program, I merged AI algorithms into the implementation allowing pacman and ghosts to play intelligently. Peak performance included reinforcement learning.
Implemented & successfully merged algorithms include: Breadth-first search, depth-first search, uniform-cost search, A* search, Minimax, expectimax, value iteration (online and prioritized offline), and Q-learning (epsilon greedy, approximate).

SQLite Test Client (460 lines of code + example code)

Python | SQLite | March 2021

Try out my test script for SQLite databases. All you have to do is head over to the repository, clone it, follow the installation instructions, and you can easily test your database and automate a number of tasks.
Features include: automated dropping of all tables in the database, creating tables defined in specified files, populating tables from insert files, querying the database from select files, and running/error checking a sql file.

Concert Ticket Database by The Quarter Notes

Python | SQLite | January - March 2021

Ticket Market is a database implemented to store information about box office and peer-to-peer concert ticket sales. The project included design documentation, create files, insert files, select files (to demonstrate functionality), a basic GUI, and a test file for quality assurance.
Functionality includes: List all 3rd party sellers that price general admission tickets for a show under a given cost, list all upcoming shows for a particular venue that occur on specific days during the year, list all events in the upcoming year at a specific venue that are multiple day events, and many more.

BattleShip by Dox (1792 lines of code)

Python | Pickle | September - December 2020

Battleship by Dox is a client-server game written in python. User information including score records, username, and password are persistant due to pickle serialization. My responsibilities included design, front-end development, back-end graphics utilities, defining an interface for the client program, and creating a video demo of the gameplay and features. The graphics were all created using John Zelle's library.

Disasembler from Binary to Assembly by dreamteam (503 lines of code)

Assembly | Easy68k | September - December 2020

Designed and implemented a disassembler program in assembly. The program waited for the user to specify a start and end position in memory. Then, it read the binary from the start to the end position and converted it to assembly code. The assembly equivalent was displayed to the console for the user, and the program looped back to waiting for input until the user quit the program. My responsibilities included designing the interfaces between each program module, decoding and printing all opcode words, decoding and printing all size codes, and creating a powerpoint presentation.