DogChain Development Details
Team Reflection
After deploying our game, we reflected as a team on the process of developing the game. We sought to discuss two main subjects: what did we do well and what would we do if we had more time.
One thing our team did very well was communicating between each other. Everyone was very active in our team's private discord server during development, which gave all of us a great opportunity to share ideas and give feedback. Each team member attended scheduled weekly meetings on Fridays (in addition to other, more spontaneous meetings) and communicated changes to their schedule with the others. There were also very few instances where team members got in the way of others while working on this project. We were efficient and consistent in dividing up work among ourselves and integrating with each other's work was never a huge hassle. Each member had their own branch in version control and it became customary for team members to notify the others in advance whenever they were modifying the main branch. Finally, communication between team members was easy and felt comfortable. There were no notable personality conflicts, and we were even able to have some light-hearted side conversations between tasks.
Given another 2 weeks to develop DogChain, the three highest priority items to include would likely be:
- Added depth to the game's map layout, and possibly even multiple maps. Kez developed a "level editor" of sorts that could be used within Unity, and so we likely would have been able to use it to create multple maps for levels of increasing difficulty.
- More types of obstacles. In DogChain as it is currently, the only real map obstacles include walls and friction zones. Given some more time, we may have explored other concepts such as moving obstacles, enemies, or different wall types (e.g. sticky walls).
- Enhanced audio and visuals. While we are more than satisfied with our revolutionary "audio by mouth" technique, it would still be cool for the game to have its own developed soundtrack. There are always graphical tweaks/improvements that could be made as well.