Game Highlights
5 Key Mechanics to discover in DogChain.
Unlock the Map
Collect slug-dogs to unlock the map. Labels next to each door indicate how many dogs you need
to obtain to unlock that door. Once you have obtained enough dogs, the door will disappear.
To obtain a dog, get close to it. When it spins, that means it is ready to start following you
and it has been added to your "Dogs Obtained" score.
Manage Oxygen in Friction Zones
Every time you bring a group of dogs to your spaceship, new friction zones appear
throughout the map. When you pass through a friction zone, the astronaut sheep slows
down more quickly than they would in open space. Players must plan their oxygen useage
carefully to pass through these zones, or reduce the number of trips they make to the
Refilling Oxygen
Throughout the map, you will find oxygen refill tanks. When you collide with them, they
disappear from the map and increase your oxygen meter. It is important for players
to remember where these tanks are located. When you make a trip to the spaceship with
one or more dogs following, the tanks will respawn at those same locations and the players
oxygen is refilled.
Using Oxygen to Navigate
In Dogchain, the player navigates through space using the oxygen tank built into the astronaut's space-suit.
When the player clicks, the astronaut sprays oxygen at the mouse and is propelled in the opposite direction.
The player is given feedback on their movement as oxygen puffs are sent in the direction of the mouse.
Bringing the dogs to the spaceship
The goal of the game is to bring all the dogs in the map back to the spaceship.
The spaceship allows you to rest and resupply so you are ready for your next trip to space, however,
every trip you make to the ship give opportunity for more debris to settle into the area. This debris makes
navigating through the map more challenging.